Category Archives: Foot Fungus

Diabetes and Foot Pain – Stop Suffering NOW!

As a podiatrist that sees a LOT of patients that suffer from diabetes, I can clearly vouchPicture of Medical Alert Bracelet for Post Diabetes and Foot Pain that diabetes and foot pain go hand-in-hand.

Prior to delving into the causes and control of diabetes and foot pain, I would like to bring light to some staggering facts regarding the prevalence of this multi-faceted disease.

Did you know that:

      • About 30 million people in the United States alone suffer with a diagnosis of diabetes.
      • Approximately 1 in every 10 people over the age of 20 has diabetes and 1 out of 3 has pre-diabetes.
      • Approximately 1 in every 4 people over the age of 65 has diabetes.
      • Nearly 1.5 MILLION new cases of diabetes are reported every year in the United States.

Picture of Needle with Insulin for Post Diabetes and Foot Pain

If you are suffering from diabetes, you are definitely not alone.

Now… on to what you came here to read about: Diabetes and Foot Pain!

Diabetes and the Four Most Common Types of Associated Foot Pain

Typically we see four distinct types of foot pain associated with diabetes:

          • Nerve Pain,Picture of person suffering from Diabetes and Foot Pain
          • Pain due to Circulatory Insufficiencies,
          • Muscle and Joint Pain and
          • Pain from Frequent Infections.

Each of the four categories of pain mentioned above can definitely be caused by alternative conditions unassociated with diabetes, but there is a much higher incidence of these specific types of foot pain in those whom do have this dreadful disease.

I cannot “cure” you or your loved one of diabetes (I wish that was possible), but I can educate and recommend some simple solutions to aid in minimizing and/or eliminating pain associated with foot pain and diabetes.

So… sit back, relax and let’s further discuss each of these four different types of foot pain.

Nerve Pain and Diabetes – Neuropathy

By far the most common contributor to foot pain in a diabetic patient stems from damage Picture of Nerves for post Diabetes and Foot Painto nerves and is termed Peripheral Neuropathy.

Peripheral Neuropathy can further be divided into three subsequent categories with altering signs and symptoms for each category. The three sub-categories of Peripheral Neuropathy include the following:

          • Sensory Neuropathy,
          • Motor Neuropathy and
          • Autonomic Neuropathy.
Sensory Neuropathy

Sensory Neuropathy tends to be the most prevalent cause of pain in individuals suffering with diabetes out of the Peripheral Neuropathies and is therefore the one that we will discuss in the most detail.

Typically, with Sensory Neuropathy we see a direct correlation between high blood sugar over a period of time and an increase in this type of pain. In other words, the more controlled (normal) an individual’s blood sugar is, the less likely that this type of pain will present and/or intensify.

The symptoms of Sensory Neuropathy are very individualized amongst patients but tend to include some form of the following in the feet and/or legs:

      • Burning pain,PICTURE OF BURNING FIRE
      • Tingling,
      • Numbness,
      • Stabbing-type pain and/or
      • Excessive pain that is not proportional to the stimulant (i.e. significant pain from a simple touch).

Most of the time the different types of pain noted above will intensify in the evening and at night. This pain can become very detrimental as it becomes not only an added stressor, but can also affect sleep pattern. As a direct result, blood sugar tends to increase which further stimulates the increase in this type of pain.

Do you see how this could easily spiral out of control?

What can be done for relief of this type of pain?

Picture of a Question Mark for Post Diabetes and Foot Pain

As mentioned earlier, Sensory Neuropathy is extremely individualized with different people experiencing different types of pain at a multitude of intensity levels. With that being said, treatment for this condition is very personalized as well. Particular remedies work for some and not others.

There are ALWAYS going to be oral prescription medications, such as Lyrica and Gabapentin (Neurontin), that are overly prescribed for the treatment of Sensory Neuropathy. While I do have my own reservations on some of these drugs due to significant side effects and the build-up of tolerance it is essential that you or your loved one have an in-depth conversation with the prescribing doctor prior to initiating these for control of pain.

That being said, there are some great alternatives that have worked fabulously on my patients for the control of this type of unnerving pain. Two of my absolute favorites thatPicture of Penetrex Pain Cream for Post Diabetes and Foot Pain can be used in conjunction with one another include:

While the other two types of Peripheral Neuropathy are far less cumbersome, I would like to briefly discuss them for completeness’ sake.

Motor Neuropathy

Motor Neuropathy can contribute to foot pain in a patient with diabetes because of the direct effect of the disease process on the nerves that innervate our muscles.

Picture of Nerve Innervating Muscle for Post Diabetes and Foot Pain

This can cause muscles (typically in the thigh area first) to feel achy and/or weak. Other areas of muscles that are routinely affected are those in the shin area and feet.

As a result of this weakness, walking imbalances can occur. When this happens, we tend to see friction areas occur on the feet due to increased rubbing in the shoe and therefore an increase in callus formation which can become painful.

The goal in the treatment of Motor Neuropathy is to minimize damage to the feet from gait abnormalities via the use of supportive foot inserts and padding.Picture of HappyStep Shoe Insoles for Post Diabetes and Foot Pain

My #1 recommendation for the best supportive inserts is one that my patients say they could not live without:

Autonomic Neuropathy

Lastly, Autonomic Neuropathy can affect the nerves to the parts of our body that lack conscious control.

One example of this includes our sweating mechanism. When an individual’s sweating PICTURE OF DRY CRACKED FEET WITH SEVERE FOOT FUNGUS ON POST WHAT IS FOOT FUNGUSmechanism is altered we may begin to see thickened nails and skin that becomes abnormally dry and cracking which can predispose an individual to bacterial and fungal infections.

I consistently recommend hydrating products for the treatment of Autonomic Neuropathy with great results. These products include oils and diabetic foot cream that routinely condition the feet and are essential in the prevention of the complications of this condition.

A favorite amongst my patients includes the following:

Picture of Foot Cream in Unique Gifts

Diabetes and Foot Pain due to Circulatory Insufficiencies

Circulatory insufficiencies can also be a causative factor for intense pain and diabetic PICTURE OF INCREASED BLOOD FLOWindividuals are at a greater risk for this complication.

For you to better understand how circulatory insufficiencies can lead to pain, especially in diabetics, here is a quick review of the function of our arteries, capillaries and veins which are the primary sub-components of our circulatory system:

      • Arteries
          • Carry oxygenated blood from our heart to nourish our vital organs and tissues.
      • Capillaries
          • Take the oxygenated blood from our arteries directly to the specific tissues and then carries the de-oxygenated blood away from our tissues.
      • Veins
          • Carry de-oxygenated blood from our capillaries back up to our heart to be replenished with new oxygenated blood.

High blood sugars associated with diabetes have a direct impact on the wellness of these arteries, capillaries and veins.


Diabetes, or high blood sugar, accelerate the formation of fatty deposits within our arteries. As a result, the walls of our arteries become thickened and may even begin to develop calcium deposits. As this continues, the lumen (channel with which blood travels) becomes smaller and less blood is able to get through.

Picture of Artery Lumen Blockage for post Diabetes and Foot Pain

This most commonly affects the arteries behind the knee and calf.

Over time, with the shrinking of the lumen, blood flow to the feet can become partially or even totally blocked.

Our tissues require oxygen to survive and when they don’t receive it, an extreme pain ensues. Often times this pain is described as a “strangling” type of pain.


High blood sugars tend to cause our capillaries to become thickened and stiff as well. When this occurs, the capillaries become unable to be as efficient as they should be in delivering the oxygenated and nutrient-rick blood directly to our tissues.

Patients suffering from these phenomena typically experience the similar type of “strangling” pain as associated with arterial insufficiencies.


Our veins carry blood against gravity. In order to be efficient at this, our veins have tiny little valves that help push this blood upward from our feet to our heart.

When our arteries become blocked and are no longer able to handle the associated blood flow, they will sometimes form small channels above the blockage in order to re-direct the blood directly over to the veins.

When this occurs, the veins can become stressed, taking on more blood than they can handle. The result is veins that become swollen and painful.

Eventually, the veins become so full that some of the valves contained within them break. Blood is no longer able to be pushed up against gravity and as a direct result, pools in the feet and legs.

Picture of Venous Valves for Post Diabetes and Foot Pain

This blood pool can cause extreme swelling and, in time, leaking of fluids from the skin. This can create ulcerations, or sores, which usually occurs around the ankle area. These ulcerations are known to be quite painful.

Treatment/Prevention of Vascular Insufficiencies

If you are experiencing any of the signs/symptoms of vascular insufficiency, it is imperative that you see your medical doctor right away. Ulcerations need to be treated immediately and a lack of treatment can cause the condition to quickly get out of control.

Your doctor may recommend support hose, physical therapy, oral medications and a variety of surgical procedures which are extremely successful in improving circulation.

If you have found this article prior to any significant complications arising from vascular compromise, there are some preventative measures that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine in an attempt to avoid these problems.

Some of my recommendations to my own diabetic patients include the following in order to successfully improve circulation and deter the complications that arise with a lack thereof include the following:

Picture of REVITIVE Circulation Booster for Post Diabetes and Foot Pain

Diabetes and Muscle and Joint Pain

Another frequent source of discomfort associated with the feet and legs common in patients with diabetes includes muscle and joint pain.

This type of pain is an indirect consequence of the diabetic neuropathy and circulatory insufficiencies talked about above via walking imbalances.

If you will recall from my section above on Motor Neuropathy, the muscles of the feet and legs can become weak and can even atrophy, or shrink thereby resulting in gait abnormalities. When this occurs, the tendons (which attach the muscle to the bone) can become stiff and contract.

As a direct result, our feet and joints will function in ways that are not intended in an attempt to allow us to remain mobile. They may stiffen in bent positions due to an excess of blood sugar combining with our normal joint proteins. When this occurs, it is termedPICTURE OF FOOT WITH SEVERE ARTHRITIS FOR POST FIBROMYALGIA AND FOOT PAIN diabetic glycosylation.

While this is by no means the only cause of foot deformities such as hammertoes, bunions and bone spurs, diabetic glycosylation of the joints of the feet definitely can be a source of resultant pain, infection and/or ulcerations.

Some strategies that I have had great success with involving my diabetic patients for this particular source of pain include the following:

Diabetes and Foot Pain Associated with Frequent Infections

Due to medical and nutritional alterations that occurs within the body, individuals with diabetes are far more susceptible to fungal, yeast and bacterial infections.

Bacterial Infections

Bacterial infections can show up on any area of the body that becomes irritated, ulcerated or injured and are commonly witnessed on the feet of patients suffering from diabetes.

Signs of a bacterial infection can include one or more of the following:Picture of Infected Ulcer for Post Diabetes and Foot Pain

      • Redness,
      • Warmth,
      • Swelling,
      • Foul Odor,
      • Discharge and/or
      • Pain.

Even if a diabetic patient experiences numbness in the feet due to Sensory Neuropathy, it is commonly reported that they experience pain when a bacterial infection is present.

A bacterial infection can remain isolated to the skin (cellulitis) or can disperse to infect the bone (osteomyelitis).

Bacterial infections can be life-threatening and should be treated as such. If you or your loved one has diabetes and experience any of the signs and/or symptoms of a bacterial infection noted above, you should see your physician immediately.

Fungal or Yeast Infections

Fungus and/or yeast are common causes of many infections in individuals with diabetesPicture of Thick Toenails and are most recognized in the form of Athlete’s Foot or Fungal Toenails.

For a full breakdown of these infections and successful treatment recommendations, please visit the following:

The Prevention of Frequent Infections

To begin, I want to stress that if you are suffering from a bacterial infection and have diabetes, you MUST call your physician immediately. I have seen infections deemed minor become fatal overnight.

If it is a toenail fungus or Athlete’s Foot that you are experiencing, click on the appropriate link above and you will be directed to the absolute, tried-and-true best remedies (as well as anything you might want to know about those conditions). Don’t waste your money on the hundreds of products out there that really just don’t work.

If you want to know the best way to prevent the occurrence of and maximize your ability to fight off infections then you must think about strengthening your immune system.

Risk Factors for Toenail Fungus - Immune System

Some of my recommendations to strengthen the immune system when you have diabetes include the following:Picture of NutriChem Immune Booster for post Diabetes and Foot Pain

In addition, it is essential to understand that not all individuals with diabetes experience pain associated with infections and every diabetic should make it routine to visually and manually inspect their feet every day.

Diabetes and Foot Pain – My Conclusion

If you have made it this far then you can now recognize the correlation between diabetes and foot pain and the extreme importance of prevention and treatment.


I would like to close with a review of the causes of diabetes and foot pain and also provide a little insight on my #1 recommendation for the prevention/treatment of each.

Nerve Pain
  • Sensory Neuropathy
    • Penetrex Pain Relief Cream – My patients swear by this product for neuropathy pain!
      • Apply anywhere you experience pain, discomfort, burning, tingling, and/or numbness.

Picture of Penetrex Pain Cream for Post Diabetes and Foot Pain

  • Motor Neuropathy

Picture of HappyStep Shoe Insoles for Post Diabetes and Foot Pain

  • Autonomic Neuropathy
    • O’Keeffe’s for Healthy Feet Foot Cream
      • Apply daily to the feet.
      • Contains a high concentration of glycerin in order to draw in and retain moisture, which is essential for healthy, hydrated skin.
      • Contains Allantoin which helps to penetrate the thick, rough skin on the feet.
Picture of Foot Cream in Unique GiftsPain from Circulatory Insufficiencies

Picture of Revitive Circulation Booster

Joint and Muscle Pain
    • Miko Shiatsu Foot Massager
      • Provides deep kneading, gentle vibrating, rolling, and heat features with pressure settings that have the ability to target multiple pressure points to ensure relaxing pain relief.

Picture of Miko Shiatsu Foot Massager for post Diabetes and Foot Pain

Pain Associated with Frequent Infections
    • NutriChem Immune Booster
      • Strengthens our natural defense mechanisms and immunity function.
      • Eliminates toxins that cause weakening of the immune system.
      • Contains an unsurpassed combination of super foods, herbs, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Picture of NutriChem Immune Booster for post Diabetes and Foot Pain

I appreciate you taking the time to read this article. I want you to know that I truly am here to help you. Should you have any questions over any of the material presented in this article OR any other condition related to the feet please do not hesitate to comment below.


Dr. Misty

Podiatric Physician and Owner/Creator of

What is Foot Fungus? – Athlete’s Foot Fully Explained

Are you here because you are experiencing dry, cracked feet?


As a podiatric physician (foot doctor) that sees this on a daily basis, I know that I can successfully aid you in putting a stop to this annoying condition!

This post will address exactly what foot fungus is as well as what causes foot fungus, the risk factors for foot fungus, the symptoms of foot fungus and how to prevent foot fungus.

I will also discuss the treatment of foot fungus AND direct you to my all-time favorite treatment for foot fungus!

Ready, Set, Go…

What is Foot Fungus?

Have you ever heard of the term “Athlete’s Foot”? What exactly is foot fungus?

Well… foot fungus (a.k.a. “Athlete’s Foot”) is simply a contagious fungal infection that affects the skin on the feet.

More specifically (and in medical terminology) foot fungus, or Athlete’s Foot, is called tinea pedis and is very common with over 3 million cases reported in the United States every year!


Wow! That is a LOT of foot fungus!

And no… you don’t have to be an athlete to contract it as this ailment commonly occurs in boys, girls, men and women of all shapes, sizes and ages.

Are you wondering yet just how foot fungus got the name of Athlete’s Foot? Keep reading… I will explain!

What Causes Foot Fungus?

If you are wondering what causes foot fungus, then you are in the right place.

We do have to get a little scientific, but no worries… we can walk through this together.PICTURE OF MICROSCOPIC VIEW OF FOOT FUNGUS ON POST WHAT IS FOOT FUNGUS

While Athlete’s Foot can be caused by a variety of different fungi, most of the time the culprit is in the dermatophyte class of fungi.

These are the same types of fungus that cause toenail fungus, jock itch and ringworm. Rarely, we can see this annoying ailment result from non-dermatophytes such as candida (yeast).

Still wondering how you contract foot fungus? Let me explain.

While fungi can be found everywhere, it thrives in dark, warm, moist environments and is contagious.

PICTURE OF DIRTY TOWELWhether we come into direct contact with it OR come into contact with skin particles from an infected individual that are left behind on things such as towels, shoes or floors, this fungus is always searching for a new host.

Once contact is made (either directly or indirectly), our bodies naturally have what it needs to survive.

What do I mean by this?

Fungus feeds off of something called keratin. Keratin is a protein that is naturally found on our bodies. It is predominantly found in our hair, nails and skin.

Do you see now how our feet can be the optimal place for fungus to set up shop? It has everything here that it needs… the perfect environment and plenty of food!


Risk Factors for Foot Fungus

Now that you know exactly what foot fungus is AND what causes it, you can probably guess some of the factors that can put you at an increased risk to develop this disease and… you may even begin to be able to speculate how it developed the alternative name of “Athlete’s Foot”.

Some actions/conditions that put you at an increased risk of developing foot fungus include the following:

    • walking barefoot in public places, especially swimming pools, spas, showersPICTURE OF WALKING BAREFOOT ON POST WHAT IS FOOT FUNGUS and locker rooms,
    • having wet feet for extended periods of time whether it is due to excessive sweating, wearing close-toed shoes for an extended amount of time, swimming, etc.,
    • sharing towels, foot products, socks and/or shoes with an individual that is already infected with foot fungus (this is where Shoe Sterilizers can come in handy) and
    • having a decreased immune system and/or decreased circulation (click HERE to see an easy remedy to improve foot circulation).

Back to the term “Athlete’s Foot”… do you see it? Athletes typically meet many of the risk factors associated with foot fungus!

Symptoms of Foot Fungus

Athlete’s Foot can present in many different ways and can look completely different from one individual to the next. In fact, some people may even have foot fungus and not even realize it… just thinking they are experiencing dry skin.

It can affect only one foot or both, be isolated to between the toes OR can profoundly affect the entirety of the foot and/or feet.

Some most common symptoms of foot fungus can include the following:

  • Itching, stinging and/or burning between the toes and/or on the soles of the feet.


  • Red patches of skin between the toes that usually has a scaly appearance and itches.


  • Multiple, small blisters that are usually red in color and located either in between the toes, on the soles of the feet, or both. These may or may not itch.


  • Excessive dryness (and sometimes scales) on the soles of the feet that usually (but not always) extends up the sides of the foot. This may present as cracking, peeling and/or raw skin.


  • Small sores (termed ulcers) that are red in color, leak fluid and sometimes have a foul odor.


Keep in mind that foot fungus is completely different from toenail fungus even though it is often caused by the same types of fungi!

If your problem is toenail-related (thick, yellow, discolored toenails), feel free to read my posts: What is Toenail Fungus? and Symptoms of Toenail Fungus.

This will definitely help you in determining if toenail fungus is what you are indeed suffering with AND give you insight on the best treatment options for toenail fungus.

Treatment of Foot Fungus

While there are a multitude of prescription treatments that your doctor can prescribe, Athlete’s foot can usually be successfully treated with over-the-counter, topical antifungal medications.

This is where I come in… I am here to help. You can read more about me by clicking HERE.

There are many different antifungal products on the market.

If you are searching forPICTURE OF TUBE OF MEDICINE ON POST WHAT IS FOOT FUNGUS treatment products with active ingredients that include medicinal drugs, they are all essentially equally effective in eliminating foot fungus when used as directed twice daily.

Some of the most commonly used over-the-counter products containing active chemicals proven to eliminate foot fungus include the following:

However, if you are searching for a more superior and natural way to alleviate foot fungusPICTURE OF PURIYA WONDER BALM (along with many other skin conditions), then you will benefit greatly from reading my review on Puriya Wonder Balm.

This is a totally amazing product that is composed of 100% natural ingredients and it works so much faster than the commonly purchased products listed above.

It is all that I recommend to my patients for their foot fungus and works better than any other product on the market… topical prescriptions included.

This stuff is the real deal with faster results! Read more about this “wonder balm” by clicking HERE!

No matter which over-the-counter product you choose to tackle your Athlete’s Foot with, you should definitely see some form of improvement within a four-week time period (I witness MUCH faster results with Puriya Wonder Balm).

Should your condition not improve with treatment over the course of four weeks of twice daily usage OR should your condition worsen at any time during treatment, a visit to your doctor is highly recommended.


How to Prevent Foot Fungus

As with any type of disease, prevention is key!

If you can eliminate risk factors, you can exponentially decrease the odds of contracting this dreadful disease.

Some things that you can easily do to decrease the chances of contraction of foot fungus include:

  • Avoid sharing socks, shoes and towels with others. If it is necessary, or desirable, toPICTURE OF WORDS PREVENTION IS KEY share shoes, invest in a shoe sterilizer. Click HERE to read all about the most effective shoe sterilizer!
  • Wear sandals or shower shoes in public places where you would normally go barefoot such as shared showers and swimming pools.
  • Wear socks and shoes that are made of breathable materials that wick moisture away from your skin.
  • Change socks immediately when your feet get sweaty.
  • Ensure you are doing all that you can to prevent decreased circulation to your feet. Some things that will aid in the maintenance of proper circulation include a well-balanced diet, exercise and circulation boosters. Read my review of the absolute best circulation booster by clicking HERE!

Foot Fungus – My Conclusion

What is foot fungus? You now have your answer!

While this is a relatively minor disease, the symptoms of foot fungus can be both annoying and embarrassing.

With a multitude of successful over-the-counter treatment options available, there is no reason not to treat Athlete’s Foot.



If you are currently suffering with foot fungus and have any questions OR if you would like to share your experience with this condition, please feel free to comment below!

Puriya Wonder Balm – A Doctor’s Review

Are you suffering from dry, cracked feet? Have you been actively searching for that PERFECT product that will restore your poor feet back to their original luster?

As a podiatrist (foot doctor), I see a multitude of patients who present having triedPICTURE OF A FRUSTRATED PERSON NEEDING PURIYA WONDER BALM everything they could get their hands on to address their stubborn dryness with no success.

By the time they reach my office doors, they are just plain fed up.

Frankly… I can’t blame them.

Whether the cause of this unfortunate situation is due to foot fungus (a.k.a. Athlete’s Foot), psoriasis, just simply dry skin or a whole host of other possibilities, I can definitely help!

Here is my review of an amazing product called Puriya Wonder Balm… it truly is the “wonder balm” of all balms!


Price: $34.97

Cheapest Place to Buy:

Amount: 2 ounces

Guarantee: 180-day money back guarantee

My Rating: 9.7 out of 10


Puriya Wonder Balm – What is it?

Puriya Wonder Balm is an advanced, over-the-counter medication formulated specifically with potent antifungal, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties in order to combat the associated itching and inflammation that stems from ailments caused from fungi such as Athlete’s Foot, etc.

Claiming to be one of the top antifungal treatments on the market today, Puriya Wonder Balm prides itself in being construed of 100% all-natural ingredients and its developers strive to educate people to avoid the “other” over-the-counter, topical antifungal creams whose active ingredients could cause long-term health concerns.

I have to admit that as a podiatrist (read more about me HERE), I was a little leary aboutCALL TO ACTION TO PURCHASE PURIYA WONDER BALM THE BEST CURE FOR FOOT FUNGUS this product the first time that one of my patients told me about it. (Yes… a patient told me about this unsurpassed “wonder” balm!!)

But… after seeing that specific patient’s results in curing their foot fungus and then seeing the results amongst the other patients that I recommended it to (for a wide variety of skin conditions), I am now a firm believer in the undeniable effectiveness of this product.

So much, in fact, that Puriya Wonder Balm is the only product that I now recommend for foot fungus (a.k.a. Athlete’s Foot) as well as many other skin ailments.

Yes… I recommend Puriya Wonder Balm even over topical prescriptions!

How Can Puriya Wonder Balm Help Me?

While Puriya Wonder Balm is primarily marketed for the treatment of fungal infections and does actually work wonders to cure this common problem, I have found that it is also an extremely versatile solution to a whole host of skin ailments.


Some common conditions that I routinely recommend Puriya Wonder Balm to my patients for treatment include the following:

      • Athlete’s Foot (Foot Fungus),PICTURE OF FEET
      • Ringworm,
      • Yeast Infections,
      • Dermatitis,
      • Eczema,
      • Rashes/Skin Irritations of Unknown Cause,
      • Psoriasis,
      • Cuts and Scrapes,
      • Insect Bites,
      • Minor Burns,
      • Sunburn,
      • Dry, Cracked Skin and
      • Itchy Skin.

While the feet are my specialty and I try to stay within my realm of expertise when recommending any product to both my patients and readers, I would like to momentarily deviate from this fact and enlighten you on some other conditions that I, personally, have utilized Puriya Wonder Balm, for within my own household and family.

Either myself, my husband, my children OR my extended family members have also directly witnessed the healing powers of Puriya Wonder Balm for the following conditions/ailments in addition to those listed above:

      • Acne,
      • Pimples,
      • Cold Sores,
      • Chafing and
      • Jock itch.

Puriya Wonder Balm is just that… literally a wonder balm.

Realistically, what other productPICTURE OF THE DRAMATIC EFFECTS OF PURIYA WONDER BALM out there seriously treats such a wide array of conditions AND is safe and all-natural?

I have personally seen this product work (with my very own eyes) on hundreds of occasions with a multitude of patients and family alike.

Just look to the right of only one example of the before and after results via Puriya Wonder Balm.

Whether your issues present on your feet, heels, hands, body or face, I am fully confident that this extremely versatile, powerful yet gentle solution can solve whatever skin ailments you may be experiencing. I have seen it work too many times to believe otherwise.


What Are You NOT  Getting With Puriya Wonder Balm?

Before I get to the juicy section where I tell you what superior ingredients are in Puriya Wonder Balm that make it highly effective and uniquely better than the other products in its market, I want to begin with what is NOT found in Puriya Wonder Balm for clarification purposes.

You will NOT find any filler chemicals in Puriya Wonder Balm.

What exactly does this mean? Let me explain…

Most products that claim to be made of all-natural ingredients tend to contain certainPICTURE OF WHAT PURIYA WONDER BALM LACKS ingredients that serve as what we call fillers.

You see… true natural ingredients such as special oils and top-of-the-line beeswax are expensive.

So… in an attempt to make more product for their money, many companies will grossly add unnatural, unnecessary ingredients (of which we term fillers) which are merely for the purpose of the creation of additional quantity at little added expense.

The results… these fillers actually “water-down” the marketed natural ingredients usually to the point that most of the therapeutic benefits of those ingredients are lost.

This technique that many developers utilize allows them to offer a “natural” product with a less-expensive price-tag, but this comes with a high penalty… decreased effectiveness.

So… when you see products that promise the same ingredients that you will see in Puriya Wonder Balm, yes… they may contain those ingredients, but I can guarantee you that it will not be as potent.

What Is In Puriya Wonder Balm That Makes It So Effective?

While the price of Puriya Wonder Balm is a bit heftier (albeit not ridiculous) than those other filler-saturated products that claim to provide the same benefits, you know that what you are purchasing is an all-natural product filled with robust ingredients that are guaranteed to be therapeutic and absent of not only fillers, but also free of synthetic chemicals, artificial colors, fragrances, preservatives and detergents.

The potent, natural ingredients contained within Puriya Wonder Balm are those that have been used by indigenous cultures for many centuries to aid in the healing of numerous afflictions and include the following:

      • Therapeutic Grade Tea Tree Oil (from the Australian Melaleuca Alternifolia tree),CHECK OUT THE AMAZING INGREDIENTS IN PURIYA WONDER BALM
      • Canola Oil,
      • Lavender Oil,
      • Eucalytus Australiana Oil,
      • Olive Oil,
      • Beeswax,
      • Macadamia Nut Oil,
      • Rose Geranium Oil,
      • CetostearylAl-cohol (Vegetable-based),
      • Vitamin E (Tocopherol Acetate) and
      • Vitamin C.

Each of these powerful, 100% all-natural ingredients have a specific function in combating the multitude of ailments that Puriya Wonder Balm can eliminate and when therapeutically combined offer an invaluable product that is appropriately termed a “wonder balm”.


How Do I Use Puriya Wonder Balm?

Now that you have decided that Puriya Wonder Balm is definitely for you, what can you expect the treatment process to consist of?

While other treatment regimens often require numerous, annoying, time-consuming steps, use of Puriya Wonder Balm is very easy and straightforward and merely consists of the following actions.

  1. Clean The Area of Concern: Simply wash the area on your body that you will bePICTURE OF CLEANING FEET applying Puriya Wonder Balm with soap and water and then dry the area thoroughly. Proper cleaning will not only maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, but will also aid in the prevention of reinfection as well as minimize the threat of your condition spreading to surrounding, healthy skin.
  2. Apply Puriya Wonder Balm: Utilizing your hand, simply apply a small amount of the “wonder balm” directly to the area of concern and gently massage into the skin.
  3. Wash Your Hands: I definitely recommend a thorough hand wash following application of Puriya Wonder Balm in order to remove excess product from your hands AND to prevent the spread of your condition.
  4. Go About Your Day: No need to do anything else except to enjoy your day and know that you are one step closer to the elimination of your foot fungus or whatever other ailment has been of concern to you.

Treatment is literally as simple as that!


Utilizing a distinctive compendium of Beeswax and Olive Oil, Puriya Wonder Balm prides itself in providing you with a “Stay-on Formula” that is guaranteed to effectively stay on your skin longer than any other competitive cream or lotion.

This only maximizes the effectiveness of the balm and allows whatever your affliction is to heal faster. You just sit back and allow the powerful, natural ingredients to do their thing… cure your ailment!

I usually recommend an easy-to-follow twice-daily application of Puriya Wonder Balm in the initial stages of treatment.

Once you do notice an excessive improvement (which usually occurs within a few days), if twice-daily application is difficult or inconvenient, I typically tell my patients that they can decrease treatment to once daily as long as the residual condition continues to improve.


Does Puriya Wonder Balm Have Any Drawbacks?

Picture of Question Marks

I definitely recognize that every individual is truly unique and with that comes nonpareil experiences regarding the use of Puriya Wonder Balm as is expected with the initial use of any new product.

Due to the above statement AND because of the company’s confidence that you will bePICTURE OF MONEY BACK GUARANTEE completely satisfied with Puriya Wonder Balm, Puriya amazingly offers a 180-day money back guarantee.

Should you not be 100% ecstatic about your personal results achieved via the use of their “wonder balm”, all you have to do is simply contact the company for a full refund… no questions asked!

In an attempt to ease any speculation, I would like to fully disclose any and all features of dissatisfaction with Puriya Wonder Balm that I have ever been purvey to via my hundreds of patients that utilize this product on a daily basis.

While most of my patients are absolutely thrilled at the effectiveness of this “wonder balm”, the minuscule concerns that have been brought to my attention include the following:

  1. Smell: More people than not love the smell of Puriya Wonder Balm; however, IPICTURE OF SCENT definitely wanted to reveal that a very small portion of my patients do report an unpleasant odor associated with the application portion of the balm. During application, there is a scent present that smells of hints of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree Oil and Menthol. This usually completely subsides after application, but it you are very sensitive to smell could prove bothersome.
  2. Price: Initially, upon recommendation of this product to my patients, I do usually get some grief regarding price. I respond to this by recognizing that there are cheaper products out there including prescription medications. But… you are paying for effectiveness.
  3. Quantity: This product arrives in a compact, 2 inches X 3 inch bottle and holds a mere 2 ounces of balm. I can understand the concern of needing to purchase multiple bottles to achieve the desired results; but, when you consider that a small amount of this product goes an extremely long way in treatment AND that this small container will last you roughly 6 months applying the balm twice daily, it is reasonable for me to state that in the long run this will cost you less than your other typical treatment options.
      1. NOTE: With the average treatment area, it should NOT take 6 months for you to reap the benefits of this product. This was merely an example that if you were to apply the product twice daily that it should last a time span of approximately 6 months. Usually, you are cured of your ailment far before the initial container of balm is even close to being emptied.
  4. Texture: Some of my patients do report a feeling of oiliness or greasiness associatedPICTURE OF PURIYA WONDER BALM TEXTURE with the area of application after the balm has been in place for an extended period of time. This is definitely one downfall of Puriya Wonder Balm’s “Stay-on Formula”. I typically advise to clean the area and re-apply when this does occur and the problem subsides. To me… this bothersome component proves that this product is still working to cure your ailment even hours after initial application!
  5. Side Effects: While extremely rare (as in I can count on one hand the number of patients that have experienced this), I do feel the need to mention that as with literally ANY product, there are possible side effects… even though this product is made of 100% natural ingredients.
      1. Abnormal Sensations: I have had reports of a mild itching or warming sensation upon application which was quickly corrected by decreasing the thickness of application.
      2. Allergic Reactions: Allergic reactions to the natural components utilized in this balm are very, very rare… but does have the potential to occur. If I have a patient that complains of extremely sensitive skin, I always recommend for them to apply the balm on a very small patch of skin prior to beginning treatment to ensure that no reactions will occur.

Lastly, I would like to state that while this product is advertised to cure toenail fungus, I doSYMBOL DEPICTING NOT FOR USE ON TOENAIL FUNGUS NOT recommend the use of this product for this cause.

Toenail fungus has to be approached differently than skin conditions as our nail plate creates a barrier for penetration of ingredients not specifically formulated for this feat.

My goal is to educate you on products that truly work for your ailments and I have not visually seen for myself any benefit of using this product for the purpose of treating toenail fungus.


Should you be suffering from the symptoms of toenail fungus, there are currently THREE products (depending on your preferred style of treatment) that work wonders to effectively combat this unsightly disorder (you can read more about each of these three products by clicking the following links):

My Conclusion is Final – Puriya Wonder Balm Works Wonders!

Hands down… this product excels far above any of its competitors in its effectiveness ofCALL TO ACTION TO BUY WONDER BALM treating not only foot fungus, but a very wide-array of other skin conditions as well… and it is made of 100% natural ingredients.

Believe me… after over a decade of practice, I have seen and tried it all.

My continued search for the absolute best product for the treatment of foot fungus as well as many other hard-to-treat skin disorders is now over… Puriya Wonder Balm simply can’t be beat!

As a powerful treatment option to successfully address and cure such a multitude of ailments and conditions, Puriya Wonder Balm is definitely a fabulous multi-faceted addition to your medicine cabinet. I know that it stays fully stocked in mine.

Go ahead… purchase your own Puriya Wonder Balm now… it definitely gets my full recommendation. You will NOT be disappointed!



As with any of my product reviews, I want you to know that I am truly here to help you make educated and informed decisions regarding your health. I welcome your comments, concerns and questions below.

In addition, feel free to leave your own review of this or any other product below. Both my readers and myself would love to hear from you!

Dr. Misty

Podiatric Physician and Owner of